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How to Change MOUSE pointer size and color?

Today I will be showing you how to change mouse pointer size and color .

Have you ever wondered if your keyboard could be used to navigate your computer system in the absence of a computer mouse? Are you using a windows 10 computer system? Then, you need to read this post and get to achieve this in few steps.


 STEP 1: 

Click on the START MENU and click on SETTINGS

windows 10 start menu option


 STEP 2: 

On the SETTINGS window, Click on EASE OF ACCESS.


 STEP 3: 

At the center of the LEFT PANE of the EASE OF ACCESS window, click on CURSOR & POINTER as seen on the image below


 STEP 4: 

On the Cursor & pointer window you can change / adjust all you want to:

  • Pointer Size: by adjusting this from 1 (when dragged to the extreme left) to 15 (when dragged to the extreme right) you get to increase the size of the pointer with 15 being the largest size and 1 being the smallest size.
  • Pointer Color: The First is the default, while you can explore other options to your choice.
  • Cursor Thickness: This add a wider cursor Outline to the Pointer


Mouse Pointer Setting


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