Today I will be showing you how to change mouse pointer size and color .
Have you ever wondered if your keyboard could be used to navigate your computer system in the absence of a computer mouse? Are you using a windows 10 computer system? Then, you need to read this post and get to achieve this in few steps.
Click on the START MENU and click on SETTINGS
On the SETTINGS window, Click on EASE OF ACCESS.
At the center of the LEFT PANE of the EASE OF ACCESS window, click on CURSOR & POINTER as seen on the image below
On the Cursor & pointer window you can change / adjust all you want to:
- Pointer Size: by adjusting this from 1 (when dragged to the extreme left) to 15 (when dragged to the extreme right) you get to increase the size of the pointer with 15 being the largest size and 1 being the smallest size.
- Pointer Color: The First is the default, while you can explore other options to your choice.
- Cursor Thickness: This add a wider cursor Outline to the Pointer