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What to know about 5G Network

In this article we will be finding out what to know about the new 5G Network. before moving on, if you are yet to read about previous generation of Mobile Networks read it here!.

5G is the fifth generation mobile technology. The frequency Spectrum of the 5G network is divided into the Mid-band and low-band.

The low-band is above the extremely high frequency with actual speed of up to 1Gbps to 2Gbps and its frequences are above 24GHz and reaching up to 72GHz.

The mid-band is the most widely deloyed with speeds of upto 100Mbps to 400Mbps and can as well go over 1Gbps.

The First smart phone able to connect to 5G network is the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G.

The 5G network is Smarter, Faster and more efficent than 4G or any older technology. this will in turn bring to us:

  • Faster internet speed that will be faster than 4G with up to 100x 4G speed
  • More interconnectivity between devices
  • More clearity in Voice telephony
  • More devices will be connected simultaneosly without gliches
  • Low latency (The time that passes from the moment information is sent from a device until iut can be used by the reciever)
  • With Lower Latency, your mobile device (Phones) can replkace WIFI and Cabled Network
  • Downloads and uploads will be way faster and quicker without the phone crashing.
  • 4k streaming without buffering is most expected.

One good thing is, 5G will be able to handle current devices and emerging technologies

One great denger of 5G is that the level of Treat and cyber crime will also increase in places where the 5G is abducted. Government must also ensure to have the right level of security before abducting the 5G Network.



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